Fund the training of global pastors across 38 nations.
A Movement of Christian Women Funding the Great Commission
95% of global pastors have no formal training.
We partner with Equipping Leaders International, a 501(c)(3) training organization that equips thousands of church leaders across 38 nations.
Pastors are in desperate need of formal training to faithfully preach the word of God, make disciples, and advance the gospel in their villages. Your generosity brings vital training and resources to leaders.
An average 3-day training event for 15 global pastors is $360. Many of these pastors go on to train others, multiplying your investment.
Can you imagine the impact that you can make if you invest $30/month in the ministry of ELI?
Fund the Great Commission and make an eternal impact. We are trusting the Lord to provide His faithful provision through His faithful people.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
-Matthew 28:19
Become a Modern-Day Lydia
YOU have a purpose in God’s plan for building a healthy global church.
God has entrusted you with time, skills, and finances to fulfill HIS plans.

When pastors are trained…
Churches are planted.
The hungry are fed.

Are you passionate about worship, work, and giving back?
You're in the right place.
Join a network of like-minded women on a mission to fulfill the Great Commission.

Who was Lydia?
In the book of Acts chapter 16, we meet Lydia.
Lydia was a business woman, an evangelist, and a worshiper of God.
She worked hard within a lucrative trade, excelling in the marketplace as a seller of purple cloth.
Lydia showed hospitality to the apostle Paul and his companions, encouraging them to stay at her home during their ministry in Philippi.
Lydia was a key convert to the Christian faith within her region. She was a true believer in Christ, and she and her household were baptized.
Lydia was likely an independent woman, the head of her household, and the owner of a business requiring significant capital.
Lydia was a woman of passion, purpose, and faith. She feared God.
Is there something about Lydia's life that speaks to yours?
The Lydia Network exists so that you can make a real difference in the global church, just like Lydia did.

The Founding 50 is a group of fifty women deeply committed to the vision of The Lydia Network.
They embody the values of a modern-day Lydia.
They give $6,000 or more annually to equip pastors across the world.
They attend a quarterly virtual meeting to advise on investments across Latin America, South Asia, and Africa.
We are still accepting women into the Founding 50!
Why Join?
As a Lydia, you receive:
Monthly Email Reports
on how your financial investment is making a difference around the world.
Quarterly Zoom Trainings
with leaders who will embolden you to live and lead wisely for Christ.
Networking Opportunities
to help you grow in your business and beyond.
The Joy of Giving
and impacting thousands of global leaders.
Note from Our Founder
Greetings Lydia,
Years ago I began praying for a movement of globally generous women, like Lydia. Right now, 84,000 believers are added to the global Church daily and 95% of global pastors have little to no formal training. The leaders have the bibles, but no ability to interpret them and grow healthy local churches. In the midst of famine, civil unrest, natural disasters, illness, and even potential of death - these faithful pastors press on. But they need your help.
You serve a mighty God who desires to use you.
You have been entrusted with financial resources.
You have a responsibility to invest in eternity, not the things of this world.
You have biblical instruction to fund church leaders.
Ordinary women can do extraordinary things for Christ. Rise up and embrace the call, modern-day Lydia! Excited to join you on the journey.
Eternally Grateful,
Lauren France
Director of Development, Equipping Leaders International
Founder, The Lydia Network